Help prevent economic losses from piglet diarrhea.
If you’re dealing with continual outbreaks of scours in young piglets – despite vaccination – there may be several issues involved. Your operation may have bacterial or viral strains that aren’t part of the antigenic shift coverage by the commercial vaccine. Partnering with Vaxxinova, you will have access to innovative, custom-made vaccines based on the specific needs of your herd. Additionally, with the latest launch of our patented SRP® technology, producers can achieve a higher level of protection with fewer isolates.
Enteric Pathogens at a Glance
Clostridium – Clostridial Enterocolitis (C. perfringens & C. difficile)
Clinical Signs and History
- Diarrhea or Sudden onset of hemorrhagic diarrhea
- Collapse/death in piglets (1-3 days old) with C. perfringens Type C
- C. perfringens Type A causes diarrhea in piglets (3 – 15 days old)
Stages of Production
- Farrowing, Nursery
Please contact Vaxxinova Customer Service, Sales Representative, or Technical Services Veterinarian to discuss the specifics of your situation, and along with a herd veterinarian, to develop your specific vaccine plan.
E. coli – Intestinal Colibacillosis and Edema Disease
Clinical Signs and History
- Diarrhea, Sudden Death, CNS (Edema Disease)
Stages of Production
- Farrowing, Nursery
Please contact Vaxxinova Customer Service, Sales Representative, or Technical Services Veterinarian to discuss the specifics of your situation, and along with a herd veterinarian, to develop your specific vaccine plan.
Rotavirus A – Rotavirus Enteritis
Clinical Signs and History
- Diarrhea begins 5 days – 3 weeks of age and immediately after weaning
- Endemic
Stages of Production
- Farrowing, Nursery
Please contact Vaxxinova Customer Service, Sales Representative, or Technical Services Veterinarian to discuss the specifics of your situation, and along with a herd veterinarian, to develop your specific vaccine plan.
Salmonella – Salmonellosis, Enteritis, and Septicemia
Clinical Signs and History
- Septicemia (pigs up to 6 months of age)
- Acute illness, fever
- Death occurs in 24 – 48 hours
- Mortality may reach 100 percent
Stages of Production
- Farrowing, Grow-Finish
Please contact Vaxxinova Customer Service, Sales Representative, or Technical Services Veterinarian to discuss the specifics of your situation, and along with a herd veterinarian, to develop your specific vaccine plan.

Worthington office
1520 Prairie Drive
Worthington, MN 56187
(800) 220-2522
Willmar office
1801 Biotech Ave NE
Willmar, MN 56201
(844) 777-8299 (SRP-VAXX)
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